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福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 |“城市愿景:可持续人居”展览亮相上海

  Urban Visions: Sustainable Communities, a major exhibition about the work of Foster + Partners, will be held at the Xintai Warehouse in Shanghai from 18 November 2021 – 18 February 2022. The show features a wide range of the practice’s work over several decades highlighting the variety and depth of projects that demonstrate its sustainable approach to design. From city masterplans to the work of the practice’s industrial design team, projects from across the world are illustrated through models, photos and videos including the masterplan for the Shanghai Bund, Suhe Centre in Suzhou Creek, and the Yuexiu Global Financial City.

  城市愿景:“可持续人居”,是关于福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所主持项目的大型展览,于 2021 年 11 月 18 日至 2022 年 2 月 18 日在上海新泰仓库举行。该展览将展示事务所几十年来一系列广泛的设计成果,突出项目的多样性和深度,以及可持续的设计理念。从城市总体规划到事务所工业设计团队的实践,涵盖上海外滩、苏河湾东区城市综合体和越秀环球金融城 (Yuexiu Global Financial City) 的总体规划在内的来自世界各地的项目将通过模型、图片和影像等多种方式进行展示。

  The exhibition offers visitors a unique insight into the workings of the studio, in which architects, engineers and other specialists work closely together to design prosperous, socially enriching projects capable of evolving to meet future needs. Foster + Partners’ design philosophy has always been underpinned by the acknowledgment that the design of the built environment must be generated by the needs of people, be respectful of the existing built fabric, cater to the local economy, and above all, be sustainable.


  We have specialist in-house teams that develop sustainable frameworks and identify environmental targets for a healthier world. We evaluate both embodied and operational carbon, to fully assess our designs for whole life carbon impact. The results of which are analysed and recorded for all our projects. Over recent years we have developed an analytical framework, based on our bespoke Foster + Partners Responsibility Framework (FRF) driven by a desire to deliver lasting benefits for everyone.

  我们拥有专业的内部团队,负责制定可持续框架并确定环境目标,以创造更健康、环保的世界。我们全面评估隐含碳和运营碳,以确定我们设计的建筑在其整个生命周期内的碳影响。我们对所有项目的结果进行了分析和记录。近年来,我们基于定制的福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所责任体系 (FRF) 开发了一个分析系统,旨在为每个人带来持久的福祉。

  Spencer de Grey, Head of Design, Foster + Partners:

  Spencer de Grey,福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 设计负责人

  “From the sensitive planning of cities, creating an appropriate setting for our buildings, working closely with nature, and sourcing sustainable materials, each of these moves enables us to create a sustainable approach to design – a central thread that connects our projects. Working across the globe for over five decades we have had the opportunity to work on some of the most challenging and rewarding projects and it is a great pleasure to be able to share our insights through this exhibition.” 

  “细致的城市规划、为我们的建筑创造合适的环境、与大自然密切合作以及采购可持续材料,每一项工作都是为了创造一种可持续的设计方法,这也是贯彻我们所有项目的中心思路。我们在全球各地工作了 50 多年,参与了一些最具挑战性和最具价值的项目。我们非常高兴能通过这次展览分享我们的见解。” 

  Gerard Evenden, Senior Executive Partner, Foster + Partners: 

  Gerard Evenden,福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 高级执行合伙人 

  “China has shown remarkable vision in endorsing a green future and we are delighted to have the opportunity to host this exhibition in Shanghai showcasing our sustainable approach to architecture and urbanism. The exhibition also explores how the different teams in our studio work – and how, when it comes to design and innovation, an integrated approach sets Foster + Partners apart.”


  Emily Phang, Senior Partner, Foster + Partners:

  Emily Phang,福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 高级合伙人:

  “People and the planet have always been at the heart of our design approach, which is deeply rooted in the local context. Our experience in China over the past forty years has given us some incredible insights allowing us to design and build projects that respond to the rich history and unique DNA of its cities. This exhibition offers a window into the way we work and our ever-evolving approach to design.”

  “我们的设计方法深深植根于当地环境,并始终以人类和地球为核心。过去四十年来,得益于在中国的经验,为我们提供了独到的视角,使我们能够设计和建造符合中国城市丰富历史和独特 DNA 的项目。这次展览提供了一个了解我们的工作方式和不断进化的设计方法的窗口。”

  The practice has been working in China for more than forty years since winning the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Headquarters in 1979, following on with Hong Kong Airport (1998), Beijing Airport (2008), Xiao Jing Wan University (2016), and the Nanshan Technology Finance City (2019). There are many projects currently under construction in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Datong, Wuhan and Hong Kong. Since 2001, the practice has established a strong research base of historic, environmental, and cultural knowledge in Shanghai that has informed our work on contextually appropriate developments, from mixed-use masterplans to urban design regeneration schemes.

  自 1979 年赢得香港上海汇丰银行总部的项目以来,事务所已经在中国发展 了 40 多年,相继参与了香港国际机场(1998 年)、北京国际机场(2008 年)、小径湾大学(2016 年)和南山科技金融城(2019 年)等项目。目前在上海、北京、杭州、深圳、大同、武汉和香港有许多在建项目。自 2001 年以来,事务所在上海建立了强大的历史、环境和文化知识研究基地,为我们在综合体总体规划和城市重建方案等当地开发项目方面的工作提供了必要的参考信息。

  As main sponsor, Lonsen Group has kindly provided the exhibition venue, Xintai Warehouse. The Exhibition is also proudly sponsored by: Poltrona Frau, RFR Asia, ERCO, Devisual and AkzoNobel.

  龙盛集团作为首席赞助商提供了本次展览场地——新泰仓库。此次展览同样得到了Poltrona Frau、阿法亚洲、 ERCO、Devisual以及AkzoNobel等品牌的大力支持。

  Notes to editors:

  The exhibition runs from Thursday 18 November to Friday 18 February(closed every Monday)   at the Xintai Warehouse, No.77 North Shanxi Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai.

  展期:2021年11月18日星期四 —— 2022年2月18日星期五(逢周一闭馆)


  For media enquiries, contact: Dina Ding

  Mobile:+86 17749735039




  手机:+86 17749735039



  About Foster + Partners


  Foster + Partners is a global studio for architecture, urbanism and design, rooted in sustainability, which was founded over fifty years ago in 1967 by Norman Foster. Since then, he and the team around him have established an international practice with a worldwide reputation for thoughtful and pioneering design, working as a single studio that is both ethnically and culturally diverse. The studio integrates the skills of architecture with engineering, both structural and environmental, urbanism, interior and industrial design, model and film making, aeronautics and many more – our collegiate working environment is similar to a compact university. These diverse skills make us capable of tackling a wide range of projects, particularly those of considerable complexity and scale. Design is at the core of everything that we do. We design buildings, spaces and cities; we listen, we question, and we innovate.

  英国福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所是一家秉承可持续发展理念的国际性建筑、规划和设计事务所,由 诺曼-·福斯特骑士 于 1967 年创立,距今已有 50 多年历史。如今,福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 已成为一家国际性事务所,以周到和开创性的设计享誉全球。同时,作为一家独立事务所,始终秉持族群和文化的多元性理念。该工作室将建筑与工程、结构与环境、城市化、室内与工业设计、模型与电影制作、航空等技术融为一体,营造出类似于一所紧凑型大学的学院式工作环境。这些多样化的技能使我们能够处理各种各样的项目,尤其是那些具有相当复杂性和规模的项目。设计是我们所有工作的核心。我们设计建筑、空间和城市;我们倾听、探究并创新。

  Spencer de Grey 

  Spencer is the Head of Design at Foster + Partners. He studied at Cambridge University, joining the practice in 1973. He set up Foster + Partners’ Hong Kong office in 1979 for the Hongkong Bank project, returning in 1981 to work on Stansted Airport and the Sackler Galleries at the RA. Since then, he has worked on a wide range of cultural, civic, education and masterplan projects, including the Great Court, the Sage and MFA Boston. He is visiting Professor of Design at Cambridge University and a Royal Academician.

  Spencer de Grey 是 英国福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 设计总监。他毕业于剑桥大学,并于 1973 年加入事务所。1979 年,他为香港银行项目设立了 福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 香港办事处,1981 年主持参与斯坦斯特德机场 (Stansted Airport) 和英国皇家博物馆萨克勒画廊 (Sackler Galleries) 的设计工作。从那时起,他参与了广泛的文化、公众、教育和整体规划项目,包括大中庭 (Great Court)、SAGE 和波士顿美术博物馆 (MFA Boston)等项目。不仅如此,他还是剑桥大学的设计学客座教授和皇家艺术院院士。

  Gerard Evenden

  Gerard Evenden, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners: Gerard has worked on a diverse range of projects over the past 30 years at Foster + Partners. Graduating from the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, Gerard’s interest in innovation, materials and new building techniques, is evident in his global experience and demonstrated by award winning projects across the world. Gerard has developed pioneering urban masterplans, high-rise towers and transportation buildings.

  Gerard Evenden作为英国福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所的设计组设计总监,福斯特工作的三十年里,Gerard完成了大量各种各样的项目。毕业于英国威尔士科技大学,Gerard非常热衷于创新、材料和新建筑科技,在世界各地的获奖项目也证明了这点。Gerard主导了多个前瞻性的城市总体规划、高层塔楼和交通建筑项目。

  Emily Phang

  Emily is the Senior Partner in charge of the Foster + Partners Shanghai office. She has been working in China since 2011. Originally from Singapore, Emily has been with Foster + Partners since 2001, delivering many large-scale projects in Singapore, UAE, China including Bund Finance Centre, Shanghai Riverside, mixed use projects for Hongqiao Vantone and Sunnyworld, and the Hangzhou EFC. Her current projects include the Huaxing Tower and the Suhe Centre in Shanghai.

  Emily Phang是福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所上海办事处的高级合伙人。自 2011 年以来,她一直在中国工作。Emily 来自新加坡,自 2001 年加入 福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 以来,在新加坡、阿联酋、中国等地完成了许多大型项目,包括外滩金融中心,上海滨江项目、虹桥万通新地的综合体项目以及杭州 EFC 项目。她目前的项目包括上海的华兴新城项目 (Huaxing Tower) 和苏河湾中心。

  Main Sponsor


  Lonsen Group was founded in 1970 and has been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange since 2003. A comprehensive multinational enterprise covering manufacturing, real estate and financial investments, Lonsen Group is committed to becoming a world-class, specialized chemical production. At present, its dyes and intermediates businesses occupy global-leading positions.


  Xintai Warehouse is located in Shanghai, on the North bank of the Suzhou Creek. The warehouse, an early 20 Century British facility for the production and the stock of textiles is among the few testimonies of the industrial history of the city still standing in the area. Its unconventionally big scale, 6105m2 on three floors, and its remarkable state of conservation had it a listed as a protected industrial heritage. In order to survive, the building had to be repurposed to new functions, technologically upgraded and transformed into flexible commercial and office spaces, readapted to a context radically transformed and different from the one it originally belonged to.


  Major Sponsors


  oPoltrona Frau – Renzo Frau founded Poltrona Frau in Turin in 1912, from 1926 it was appointed supplier of the Italian Royal Family for its Modern Furniture and home interior design.

  Renzo Frau于1912年在都灵创立了 Poltrona Frau,自1926年起,它被指定为意大利王室提供现代家具及家具室内设计的供应商。

  oERCO – is a leading international specialist in architectural lighting, using 100% LED technology. We understand light as the fourth dimension of architecture.

  ERCO是国际领先的建筑照明专家,采用100% LED技术,我们将光视为建筑的第四维度。

  oRFR Asia – is a design engineering firm with its heritage from Paris. The company specialises in the design of sophisticated building envelopes and complex structures that reconcile engineering and architecture.




  oDevisual – is a creative architecture visualization company striving for providing professional and efficient visualization solutions.

  DEVISUAL 是为国内优秀的建筑视觉表现团队。致力于提供专业的、有效的建筑视觉可视化服务。

  oAkzoNobel – as an expert in making coatings, AkzoNobel is active in over 150 countries and has set its sight on becoming the global industry leader.


  Exhibition Team


  oSpencer de Grey

  oKaty Harris

  oEmily Phang

  oEliana Guerzoni

  oJacqueline Li 李晴

  oMrinal Rammohan

  oPablo Jorge

  oBetty Wang 王诗博


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网址: 福斯特及合伙人建筑事务所 |“城市愿景:可持续人居”展览亮相上海 http://m.jiajufo.com/newsview93334.html